You can contact Duae Quartunciae by making a comment to this article.
Comments here are moderated. By default, I will not approve any comments here, on the assumption that people would prefer them to be private communications. This makes the comment a good way to send me a private message, without my having to reveal my email address.
My usual way to reply to people I do not know will be out in the open, as another comment on this blog, which I will approve. I will try to give something in this comment to let a reader identify when a comment is intended as a reply to them. I don't like email in general; but I may also email people in some cases. Please don't be offended if I choose not to use email at first.
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Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Comment here to leave me a message
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Dear Rob Johnson,
I have sent you a message using the "Letters to the editor" feature of your blog. That's a good facility! I have done something fairly similar here; you can get a message to me by commenting to this article.
Thanks for your interest -- Duae Quartunciae
I enjoyed your input concerning the bicyclist here in the Twin Cities.
Also, I noticed you put a link with in the comment. I have not been able to find out how to do this.
Can you be a sport and give me the tip?
I'd sure thank you kindly!
Bob Johnson
Hi Bob,
You are asking about putting a link in with a comment. I am not totally sure what you mean... but comments on a blogspot blog (such as used by me, by Mr Orsak, and by yourself) can include very limited html tags; for bold, for italics, and for links.
To make a link, you write text that looks like this:
Here is a link to the [a href=""]City of Minneapolis Official Web Page[/a].
However, you use angle brackets <> rather than square brackets []. If you use angle brackets, the previous paragraph appears like this:
Here is a link to the City of Minneapolis Official Web Page.
Thanks for your message. You have confirmed for me that this system of contact actually works. I have published your comment, because I am pretty sure you are keen to have people visit your own blog and there seems to be nothing private in your comment. That's not quite the protocol I describe above; let me know if there's a problem.
Dear RBH,
I am indeed very interested in your input on bulletin board moderation. You can send email to "admin at"
I was not able to reply to your comment by email; there was no return address!
Thanks very much for getting in touch -- sylas, the admin at Climate Physics Forums
Am I the first to ask whether "Mathemathics", in your masthead, is the Australian spelling?
Three years. MORE than three years. And you have indeed been the first to note the spelling; which is a Duae Quartunciae original.
"I'm not often right, but I'm wrong this time.
Thanks! Fixed.
Testing that this still works...
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